
The principal aim and objectives of the organization is to create and operate as a cohesive platform for technology journalists, for the promotion of better technology based journalism in Bangladesh; to promote and ensure the use of technology in journalism; and to work and/or collaborate with, or complement to the relevant stakeholders including the Government, to adopt appropriate policy/ies or regulations for ensuring the same and for any other issues relevant thereto within Bangladesh and in particular:

  • To provide solutions to issues faced by technology journalists in performing their professional duties and to take necessary initiatives for their benefit;
  • To represent technology journalists with regards to their various concerns to the relevant authorities and ensure the proper implementation of plans, proposals and strategies for related the developments;
  • To empower technology journalists by providing them with professional development opportunities;
  • To create unity and develop mutual cooperation for the improvement of journalism;
  • To encourage technology journalists to report about essential issues relating to technology and to promote technology;
  • To provide technology related assistance to physically and/or mentally impaired, disabled or to marginalized communities;
  • To provide information and technology in times natural disasters or crisis;
  • To undertake positive steps to ensure the usage of technology in all sectors of Bangladesh;
  • To establish partnerships through MoUs or Treaties or other instruments with various ministries or government and non-government organizations for the purpose of consultation and lobbying for various purpose conducive to the objectives of the Trust;
  • To organize campaigns, expositions, advocacy programs, learning and development initiatives, conferences, symposia, roundtables, workshops for and among the relevant members of the journalist fraternity or stakeholders in Bangladesh;
  • To act as a Think Tank and/or collaborate with the relevant stakeholders and like-minded organizations or individuals;
  • To publish newsletters, working papers, articles, booklets, books and other publications;
  • To interact, share ideas, collaborate and develop synergy with other similar organizations, societies and stakeholders in Bangladesh and abroad in fulfillment of the objectives of the Trust;


  • The TMGB Board of Trustees are entitled to introduce new Members to the Trust. The new Members shall be referred to as “General Member/s”.
  • To be eligible to serve as Members, the candidates must have minimum 2 (two) years of experience in journalism, and must provide supporting documents along with the membership application namely copy of National Identification, copy of Official Identification, and appointment letter from employer, and meet any other qualifying requirements as resolved by way of duly passed Board Resolution by the Board of Trustees.
  • The Executive Committee shall be responsible for approving applications for General Membership on a preliminary basis and shall shortlist candidates subject to meeting the qualifications. The Board of Trustees shall provide the final approval of the membership based on the merits of the shortlisted candidates.
  • The Executive Committee in consultation with the Board of Trustee may revoke or cancel the membership of the General Members upon discretion.
  • The Members shall pay a quarterly subscription fee of Tk. 200 (Taka Two Hundred only).
  • The Board of Trustees of this Trust shall have the power to increase, decrease or vary the amount of quarterly subscription from time to time. Additional subscription, in addition to the quarterly subscription referred to hereinabove, may be collected for a general or specific purpose or project.
  • All dues, including quarterly subscription, additional subscription as provided herein these Rules and any other dues or contributions, are payable to the Trust within three (3) months from the service of invoice. The first quarterly subscription would, however, be payable within one (1) month of the candidate’s admission as a Member.

Become a Member